Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fall is Burning Time

Fall is traditionally clean up time in Ukrainian yards and gardens and there are fires going everywhere as folks try to get everything burned before the October rains start. It has been one of the driest summers on record around here.  Grass and weeds are tinder dry.  So is the marsh/river to the east of us.  Someone must have started a grass fire to the NE on the other side of the marsh from us.  The wind was strong enough to take it into the marsh where the tall reeds were dry enough to burn vigorously.  So Volk and I went to have a look.

Looking west, back across the marsh towards our home

Possibly close to where the fire started, looking SW

And where it spread towards the marsh, looking SW

Back on our side of the marsh, looking north east, towards the burned off area

Looking SE towards the road we initially were on

Loaded with rose hips, a sure sign of fall
We "took a shortcut" on a plank bridge across the marsh
Even Volk wasn't keen on crossing the rotten structure.
The sections only got worse from here

Tanya's roses still blooming like it was summer


  1. Your photos remind me of fall on the prairies, back in the days before farmers were discouraged from burning their fields. Tanya has such a beautiful garden! :-)

    1. Burning stubble was more of a Manitoba and NE Sask thing where straw was heavy. I remember hearing on the news about Wpg being so smoky people could not breath. Thank God for the new straw choppers and spreaders. Straw needs to be left on the land.
      Tanya has been busy digging up bulbs, planting others, and reorganizing whole areas. She would like a rock garden but it would cost a fortune to bring in the rocks from where ever.

  2. The roses are gorgeous. Do they winter over well? We have shrub roses which are hardy, but otherwise have to bury or cover over some other less hardy varieties. A lot of work here.

    1. Tanya cuts them back to about 50 cm and then we cover the roots with about 10 cm of topsoil. They seem to over winter well that way. All our climbing roses froze back to the roots last winter, though. A couple of them recovered not badly but the other two not so good. Next year will tell the tale.

  3. I find it hard to believe that I still have roses blooming. I don't know much about roses, except there were a bunch in one part of the garden, when we bought our new house. It has been a learning experience. A lot of thins here have been learning experiences.

    Hope the fires don't get too close to you (except the ones you light).

    Blessings and Bear hugs!


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