Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year to all my Readers

The temperature dropped to -10C three days ago and it has been trying to snow ever since.  So perhaps we will get winter.  In parts of the world the holiday season is almost at an end with New Year's being the last.  Here in Ukraine it is just beginning.  Tanya has supper ready for Luda's family and I will go to Andrei's.  We will be celebrating Christmas on the Julian calendar so holidays continue for over 10 days yet.

Regardless of how you celebrated holidays (or did not), and given that some cultures have their own New Years based on their own calendar, most of the world, at least for business purposes, recognizes the New Year of the Gregorian calendar.  So "Happy New Year" is all encompassing, to all peoples of all countries.

I appreciate my readers and especially those who comment.  So I say to all of you:

For 2016, may you have peace in your hearts, peace in your families, and most of all peace in your countries. Happy New Year.

From the Independent (click to hear it spoken in many languages)


  1. Estonian: Head Uut Aastat!

    A very good year 2016 to you!

  2. Norwegian: Godt nytt år. As long as there is life there is hope. Let's hope that 2016 will be a better year.

    1. Added to the list. Thanks, Jono. Yes, we can only hope for a better 2016.

  3. I have peace in my heart and I'll fight any fucker that wants to take it away from us. Have a good one, good Calvin and Hobbs cartoon.

    1. BBC, do you have Irish antecedents by any chance? Same to you in the new year.

  4. Thank you, and Happy New Year to you, too! :-)

  5. has to be better than last year..happy new year y'all

    1. We can only hope, Jackiesue, we can only hope. Happy New Year.

  6. Finnish or Soumi; Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!!

    1. Happy New Year, Kulkuri and thanks. I have added it to my spreadsheet and it will show up next year.

  7. Happy New Year. You do have quite a list of languages. I am a bit relieved to be closing out the holidays and getting on with things. I am also counting on 2016 to be a good year.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I too hope for better things in 2016. We shall see.

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