Sunday, April 30, 2017

Tanya's Flowers - End of April

Tanya took most of these pictures. She is a better photographer than I am but she is too busy gardening to post them so I am making them my last blog of the month.  The pictures were taken on 27th and 29th. A cold damp April slowed them down somewhat but they are coming on fast now as we have temps in the 20+C range every day. Click on the photos to make them bigger.


  1. Just gorgeous! We have no flowers here yet on the prairies, of course.

    1. Thanks. The crocuses are out, I hear and the rest will come soon enough. Give them time and warm weather

  2. They're beautiful! The flowers are blooming on the coast, but up at our new place it's still near freezing most nights and the trees are just beginning to show a touch of green. Everything's gravel and mud around our yard, but we'll have flowers next year. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy Tanya's lovely flowers - thanks for sharing them!

    1. Once the boxes are unpacked, the yard work begins. And never ends.

  3. The plants are gorgeous. The soil looks grey in the photographs - what kind of soil is it?
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. Not sure of the scientific term but I would say it is a heavy black clay

  4. Really lovely. Those colours just pop right off the screen. I had a beautiful garden at my previous house and I loved digging in the dirt but somehow I just can't get motivated at this house. I have only a small front garden and its on the north side of the house and always in the shade so nothing really thrives there.

    1. Thank you. Too bad you don't have a garden now.Is there a community garden nearby that you can rent a plot in? At least you could much about in the dirt and grow veggies.

  5. Some of ours are starting to show, but the weekly snow has stunted their growth.

    1. Weekly snow tends to do that. Enjoy ours until your flowers bloom, then we can enjoy them

  6. love this..our bluebonnets were here and gone..they are usually in mid bloom about now..

    1. You must be having an early season then. What blooms after the blue bonnets?
      I think we are a bit late but catching up. the fruit trees all around are done blooming and the lilacs and chestnuts in town which is warmer than us by a couple of degrees usually are blooming away quite cheerfully.


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