Friday, July 17, 2020

Why have masks become the hill to die on?

The government regulates many activities for the common good. Usually after a certain amount of fuss and resistance they are generally accepted by all but a few hard heads. Seat belts, helmets for bicycles, motorcycles and scooters, signal lights, stop signs and stop lights, smoke alarms, and the list goes on. So why the visceral refusal to wear masks? Even in the 1918 Flu epidemic.

My own hypothesis is this: The regulations that are accepted more or less protect not only you but me also. So I have a vested interest in following them. Masks have been sold from the onset as protecting the other person from you but not necessarily protecting you. There is a certain type of personality that sees no reason to inconvenience themselves in the slightest to provide a benefit only to someone else.

Instead of raging against the pandemic, they rage against "tyranny".

I suspect that the resistance to gun-control is much the same. Why should I "give up" my guns just to save someone's kids from being killed in a school?


  1. Such people are selfish assholes. There's the reason!

  2. Yes, they are. But why are some selfish and others considerate of other people? There has been a great deal of research on that and the results are not encouraging.

  3. It use to be that no one paid attention to the rants of the people on the down side of the IQ curve. The Republican party had been manipulating this easily influenced group with guns, God and 'hate of the other' into a voting base for their party for years.

    But at the beginning of the Obama administration the Republican Party organized and financed the Tea Party that gave these less informed, loud and angry rubes a movement. Now they have taken over the party and elected their avatar Trump.

    You can't appeal, you can't reason with people who only want to be noticed. They carry assault weapons into McDonalds, they refuse to wear mask during a plague, they like to get attention by appearing loud and angry in support of almost any conspiracy theory. They just aren't bright, and you can't fix stupid. Displaying their stupidity is almost a badge of honor.

    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. A badge of honour is a good description. If you have a weakness pretend it is a strength. These are the people who will support fascism to the hilt all the while ranting about the tyranny of democracy.

  4. I despair. Beam me up, Scotty; there's no intelligent life down here...

    1. That is how I feel too. A study said that people with lower cognitive disabilities tend to reject wearing masks. 46% of Saskatchewan residents oppose masks. I rest my case.

  5. stupid...they are just fucking stupid


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