Sunday, October 6, 2024

Of Doctors and Dentists

 Canada has a nonrefundable Disability Tax. I dont qualify as I get all my tax back every year anyway. I need more income. But for fun, I made a list of all my disabilities. Then I wondered how it is I am still alive. But it does explain why I seem to be doctoring all the time. Once I see a cardiologist I will have seen every specialist but a gynocologist and an oncologist. 

Last week was no exception as I went for a CT scan. And also to a dentist. I had two extractions last year and one filling. In September I had two more extractions and a filling. Oct 2 I had a root canal and an extraction. I was 2.5 hours in the dental chair. The extraction took over an hour and a half. The 25 mm (1") root refused to budge and came out one small piece at a time. My dentist did an expert job and I have no quarel with him, only with my genetics as my father's teeth were the same way. 

My dentist was exhausted when he finished. I said that I expected he would sleep the Sleep of the Just that night, though others prefer the sleep of the just after. My jaw still aches and I take pain killers at night to sleep

My plan is to post on my blog one day and then read all the blogs I follow the next day. My energy this week was at an all time low so I didnt read anyone's blog. I managed to walk the dog every day. I promise to do better. Though there is a saying attributed to a member of the Soviet Politburo, "We tried to do better but the result was just the same". For some reason Tanya quotes that to me every so often.

Speaking of dogs, Lucky is racist.  Dog PAAWS provide volunteer dog walkers for old people who need them. I need a relief walker whenever I get my knee replacement and my cataracts removed. The organizer is an 84 year old woman who taught English in refugee camps around the world. She found a volunteer and brought him to our house one evening to meet us and Lucky. The volunteer is a second year pre-veteriany student from India with dog training experience. 

Lucky acepted the woman immediately and then took 5 minutes of barking before he accepted Dev. Dev is brown. Lucky has only seen non-white people in the dog park where he ignores them. In our home apparently it is a different matter. Lucky didn't phase Dev at all and we have been walking several times together now. Dev can run with him which I cant and Lucky loves that. But he still takes a minute to accept him when he arrives at our door. What a Doofus.

Lucky with his favourite toys - tennis balls to catch on the bounce


  1. You've certainly been having a rough time with those teeth. I hope the extraction pain subsides soon. And as for all those specialists, well, the good news is you can cross the gynecologist off your list. Unless there's something you haven't been telling us, Alan, if indeed that is your birth name. Hmmm, maybe I'll call in Rick O'Shea to investigate?

    1. I went for a uroscopy a month ago. When the nurse went to insert the scope tube, I said, "Two inches more I'd be the King; two inches less I'd be the Queen" She didn't think it was funny

  2. I hope that Lucky gets over his racism. And that you stay out of the clutches of the medicos. And particularly the dentist.

    1. I'm sure he will. Dev is a great young man and so good with Lucky.
      I think i am done with the dentist until at least November when I will get a crown on my root canaled tooth


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