Thursday, November 3, 2016

Wherein I visit the Dentist

I am, as the saying goes, too pooped to whoop.  Besides the Cubs won, for which I am glad, not that I had anything vested in the outcome other than my habitual cheering for the underdogs.  Next year, I hope they both meet again and Cleveland takes it in 7.

I have been walking 5 km per day.  Average pace between 12 and 13 minutes per km. Tuesday was cold, wet, windy and miserable.  I averaged under 11:30.  Yesterday was cold, wet, windy, miserable and snowing.  I averaged under 11:15.  Today I did NOT want to walk but guilted myself as it was sunny and warm (well, OK, it was +8C).  I could hardly manage a good waddle and timed out at over 13 minutes per km.

My wind is getting better and I no longer have to stop to rest but at the end of an hour, I am beat. To finish my day, I had a dental appointment at 5:00 pm. I had not been to this dentist before.  The two other times, I went to a guy who drilled and filled in under 30 minutes but this time I wanted a thorough check up.

Tanya found a young guy, maybe 25-27 years, from Donetsk, one of the 'internally displaced', at the Medical Centre,  Profimed, where she and I doctor. His training is much more than just drill and fill and his equipment is better than my dentist in Regina had 10 years ago. Plus his dental assistant was a drop-dead gorgeous blonde.  Young enough to be my granddaughter of course but still takes one's mind off the pain.

Come to think of it all the assistants in Profimed are attractive blondes but I digress.

Cleaned and polished, took X-rays and in general knocked about until he located all my problem teeth.  One bad one.  I do not know the Russian word for Root Canal and am terrified to ask but my next visit on Wednesday is for 90 minutes and then I have two more after that.

Maybe tomorrow I can write the blog I have been mentally working on for two weeks.


  1. Ah, sympathies.

    Ravens, of course, being birds, do not have teeth. ;-)

  2. I can't concentrate on anything..I found my first liver spot on my hand..I'm freaking out.

    1. You must be over 50? Hard to believe. I found a grey hair the other day.

  3. Congrats on the walking. That is very good. I hope your dental work goes well and that all the assistants take your mind off the pain. I know it works for me.

    1. I am an inveterate girl watcher. Only I have forgotten why.

  4. I, too, was concerned when the doctor mentioned root canal, but I can tell you from experience it really is not as bad as it may seem. The technology in the dental field has really advanced in the last decade, and this procedure is so much more efficient than when I got my first one. It's safe to say that there's absolutely nothing to worry about.

    1. Thank you for your comment. My dentist tried to avoid the root canal but my tooth is so sensitive to heat and especially cold, also aches at night. I likely will break down and go back as he warned me I would have to if his patch didn't work. Thanks again for the reassurance.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your tooth issues. If you do have to get root canal, don't worry too much, the anxiety is worst than the actual root canal. I'm not saying it's a walk in the park, but it's not as bad as you might think. I had to get one done before, and thank God I had a good dentist who knew what they were doing!

    1. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I think I will have to get a root canal as my tooth still bothers me. thanks for the reassurance.

  6. Sounds like you are getting faster at the walking. You just build more muscle every time. I use to walk pretty slow, then with practice I became faster. This is especially true when walking up a hill. At first you are so winded, but with time you get better at it. It is really good for the heart too. Plus, you hit two birds with one stone walking to the dentist!

    1. HI, Marco. thanks for dropping by and commenting. I am getting better at walking. 2nd wind in 10 minutes now instead of 20. I could walk to the dentist office as it is only about 5 or 6 km from my home. Good idea.


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