Saturday, February 26, 2022

The Kyiv Blitz Enters Day Three

 The Russians have run into very strong resistance all over Ukraine and are making little or no progress according to Euromaidan Press. Kyiv is a hell hole. More like Stalingrad than London from what I can gather. Ukraine is fighting back ferociously on all fronts and chewing up Russian soldiers and hardware. Not fast enough but grinding them down. Russia has not achieved air superiority which is amazing. 

Friends in Dnipro say it is calm, streets are being patrolled and everyone is pitching in. Zhovti Vody went on high alert yesterday as a Russian fighter circled the town around noon. A blackout was ordered for after 6 pm in case we were to be bombed. If they are going to bomb every little town of 40,000 they will be busy. 

Our family in town have packed go-bags, as have we but do not expect to need them as the ground war is not likely to get here. We have our DIL Lina and her friend Elena and 8 yr old son staying with us as we are far enough out of town we are not likely to get bombed anyhow. 

Our granddaughter Masha is still at the Polish border, the wait there is days long. I hope she makes it across and doesn't decide to come back to Kyiv and fight. There are lots of kids her age doing just that. One journalist asked a girl, "What are you going to do today?" "Make Molotov cocktails". 

Ukraine can well take as its battle cry the final words of 13 brave soldiers on Snake Island who told the Russian battle ship captain to GFY. 

For up-to-the minute information get on Twitter.

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Euromaidan Press is another good source of constantly updated information

from Euromaidan Press


  1. The Finns didn't invent the Molotov Cocktail, but they gave it the name during the Winter War. "I make cocktail for Molotov".

    1. Someday I will do a post about the Winter War and get you to critique it.

  2. I'm watching the news closely. I'm so glad you're staying safe for the moment. I heard an interview with a journalist who left Kyiv with another journalist and walked 20+ hours to the Polish border... no train, bus or car available, no food no water no toilets. And his description of what they encountered on the way was horrible.

    1. It is 750 km from Kyiv to the Polish border. My granddaughter and a friend were there for two or three days before they got across just today. They sent us a video and look like they are having the adventure of their lives but would rather not.

  3. The news coverage is very frightening but Ukraine is fighting back in a way that is inspiring to see. Stay safe! Thinking of you always.

  4. Thank you for the update on your family and the links to information.

  5. I've read a few books and have a few more on the Winter War to read. Finlanders can be pretty proud of their showing

    1. One of the parallels with the Winter War is it appears that Putin like Molotov and Stalin expected the Russian army to be greeted as liberators. At least other countries are trying to help Ukraine. The Finns got hung out to dry because at the time the USSR was allied with England in fighting the Germans.

    2. Not the first invader to make that mistake. Rumsfeld et al

  6. I gave given so many shiny things to the goddess she could dive a Bentley instead of a chariot. I donated to a website that sends money directly to Ukraine. But I'd gladly send the money to you and your family if you need it..please don't be proud.if you need help you must ask..I worry and think of you every safe and tell your granddaughter I'm sending her love..

  7. "Not likely to get bombed" - that's what I call dubious comfort. I've been thinking of you a lot over the past few days so it's good to get an update. Hoping you stay safe...

    1. One must be positive. Actually the Russians will never get here. They are running our of food, fuel and munitions. Amateurs talk tactics. Professionals talk logistics. Hubris costs a great deal. As Napoleon and Hitler

  8. Thank you for the update.
    I found out that the activist group Pussy Riot is doing some type of fund raiser for Ukraine.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


  9. Thank you for this update. I have been watching the news and worrying.

  10. Thank you for updating us on your situation! Hopefully, your granddaughter will stay in the safety of Poland and I'm relieved to know that you can escape to Romania if need be. Ukraine is putting up a good defence and Russian attackers are certainly not getting the cakewalk they expected. Stay safe!

    1. Ukraine is doing an amazing job of stopping Russian advances.

  11. Thinking about you and your family. Stay as safe as you can. I'm praying that cooler heads prevail and the war ends swiftly.

  12. I am relieved you're far enough out of any City to feel somewhat safer from bombing and a siege. I do wish the International Community would provide more support for the Heroic Ukrainian People and their Nation, Lord know we got involved in other International affairs that were not as well fought by the Locals. I think the deterrent to full on support is a Madman with his finger on Nuclear capabilities, Putin is unhinged and has clearly lost it and doesn't have the support of the majority of his Countrymen, so perhaps it will all implode from within as the Russian people tire of his Maniacal Fantasies of taking Russia and the whole World back into the 20th Century.

    1. You are so right. But I think the International community is doing all it can and will do more. When Switzerland picks a side you know you screwed up as Andy Borowitz said. Sorry I have not had time to read your blog lately. Love to you and your family.

  13. Hang in there and take care of yourselves. Keep giving 'em hell, but stay as safe as possible.

    1. Hi, Jono. thank you and when are you going to blog again? I miss your Norwegian history and amazing photography


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