Monday, October 30, 2023

Happy Halloween

 Costumes go over snowsuits tomorrow, though it will be mild. -2C and light wind (maybe).

I carved a less than memorable pumpkin and bought enough cady for 50 kids but we'll likely have fewer than 25.Dollarama had the cutest puppy dog mask for $4. Lucky does not like when we put it on. 

I wish I could carve like this.

Next year I'll post pictures of pets in cute costumes aka why they hate us


  1. Thanks for the smiles. Love that first carving - and shuddered at the second to last photo.

    1. Painting that last pumpkin would have used up a few litres of orange paint I think

  2. Oh, that pumpkin with the big eyeball inside! Very clever! Happy Halloween!

    1. I never heard of white pumpkins. And how did they do the blue eye?

  3. I enjoyed the cartoons. Peggy is phobic of spiders, so I'll send the photo in which a spider escaped from a cup to her.

  4. Hilarious pumpkin 'art', but the one that gave me the biggest belly-laugh was the paper cup!

    1. I would so love to pull that gag on someone. But no one I know is as frightened of spiders as I am.

    2. You and Peggy, and she's annoyed that I carry them outdoors instead of killing them.


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