Saturday, February 17, 2024

A Few Things to Read While I Work on the Next Palestinian History Chapter



  1. For me, Golda Meir's autobiography was an eye opener. She wrote about any one residing in Palestine who wasn't part of the Zionist movement as though they were vermin. Her attitude was very clearly that only good Arab was a dead Arab. The language she used was almost identical to the way whites talked about Indians in the 19th century. The book was published in the 1970s, long before Hamas existed, and made it pretty clear that for many (most?) Israeli politicians ethnic cleansing was just fine with them.

    1. That is exactly right. Golda Meir is quoted as saying "We'll never forgive the Palestinians foir forcing us to kill their children". Israel is always the victim.

  2. Hopeful I don't come across as anti-Semitic. It not my intention. But what the Jewish people went though the Holocaust and over in Israel they treat non Jews pretty awfully. I know a few American Jews and most I know doesn't believe in a Jewish state.

    1. You certainly do not, Dora. The Holocaust murdered 6 million Jews and 6 million others. The Zionists use guilt over the Holocaust to claim they are the victims and to excuse everything they do. Yes, ther are many Jews who do not support Israel because of their treatment of the Palestinians.


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