Thursday, January 30, 2025

Left Knee Replacement

 Last Wednesday Jan 22nd, I had my left knee replaced. I do not recommend it. I was doing fine on pain killers and using an elastice knee support. Now I am crippled untill likely April. No dog walking for sometime after that. And I am on Hydromorphone. A walker gets me around. 

Do your exercises they said. So I did and now my leg is swollen and inflamed. Cold packs every few hours help bring the swelling down. 

My right knee is also arthritic. I'll deal with it when I am in a wheelchair. 

When I have energy, I will catch up on reading all your blogs. 

The disaster that is America is in danger of spreading North and I can't even run. People with disabilities will be first into the ovens


  1. Well, I hope your healing process improves from the first week. It's a pretty invasive surgery that I don't envy you. Sending best wishes!

  2. Damn. Your report does not fill me with any confidence for the knee I most likely should replace. But on a brighter note, my wife has dove head first into the joint replacement thing. She's had both shoulders replaced and is now eying a hip or knee replacement next. As far as recovery hints well, all I have is , "Hang in there Allen. It's all you can do." Get better sooner than later friend.

  3. Hello, Mr. Hingston. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with unimaginable pain. I hope things improve and that you’re on the mend soon. Take care. Scott Lemon


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