Monday, December 26, 2011

March of the Penguins

Tanya saw these on a TV cooking show so made a bunch for our party on Saturday.  You need large pitted black olives for the body and small ones for the head.  Carrot serves as feet and beak while cream cheese and Mayo make the body stuffing for the white vest (split the body olive to stuff it).


  1. Those are cute. Tasty, too, I'll bet.

    For a challenge, try to make a Tasmanian devil out of veggies. ;)

  2. That is the coolest thing ever. If olives weren't the most vile things ever, I would want to make those.

  3. Awww. My favorite part is when winter's almost over and the little capers are born and ride around on everybody's feet.

  4. That was always a problem as a kid when we had animal figures for desert. Too cute to eat.

  5. I'm with Bron. SO cute, but gross! (The olives, I mean, not both me and Bron.)

  6. I can eat a couple of olives in soup or salad. Olives are an acquired taste that I am still working on.


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