Monday, May 10, 2021

Tanya's Flowers May 10, 2021

 Tanya, Lina and I took pictures of Tanya's flowers yesterday and today. Some of Tanya's are on FB. Ours is just one yard in the neighbourhood filled with flowers from snow melt to snow fly. Our neighbour Lucia's yard is also filled with flowers. The fronts of many yards along the streets where Lucky and I walk are filled with flowers. Flowers require work but little or no money. Lawns require money to keep them looking good. As well, the surrounding country side has fruit trees in blossom everywhere, too. Click pictures to enlarge.

One of our apple trees

Apple blossoms

Sour cherry trees

My rhubarb plant. Maybe pies next year?

Tanya's 65 petunia plants will fill in gaps

These three Lace Peonies have bloomed in this spot for 30 years


  1. I scrolled up and down in absolute delight. Hopefully when our 'real' spring arrives our garden will show similar wonders. I am envious about the peonies though. I cannot get them to thrive here.

    1. Tanya can transplant peonies in the fall and have them bloom the next year though they are supposed to take a couple of years after transplanting. She has two Japanese peonies with flowers the size of plates that will bloom in summer. Also several of normal peonies.
      Looking forward to seeing your garden pictures

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you on behalf of Tanya. The trick is to keep flowers blooming throughout the garden all seasons long. She is pretty good at that.

  3. It's incredible to consider that when we enter pretty, you approach to flower.

    1. Yes, pretty and flowers go hand in hand, don't they? Thanks for your comment

  4. Lovely, really lovely flowers! Tanya does really well in her garden. Love all the colours! Do you grow vegetables too? My little front garden is in the shade most of the day, so no flowers there, just hostas with pretty variegated leaves, they don't mind the shade. There were huge white and pink peonies along the driveway of my previous house, had been planted around 1920s I think.... and always flowered profusely, Then the land next door was sold and the land got chewed up by machinery and scaffolding and piles of bricks, and when the building was done, the peonies just appeared as usual and flowered just as beautiful as before, quite amazing! Tough flowers.

    1. Thank you. Yes Tanya has a huge kitchen garden. She grows everything but potatoes. Too much work and cheaper to buy in fall. I will do a post on her kitchen garden once it gets a bit bigger. Growth has been slow because we have had no real heat until this past week.
      Peonies are very tough plants that is for sure.

    2. I like those lace peonies, I haven't seen them before.

    3. They are my early spring favourite flower. You should be able to grow them if we can.


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