Sunday, June 11, 2023

Last Post for the Summer

 My blogging has been so irregular, I am shutting it down for the summer. The following are a bunch of memes collected over time, in no particular order. I make no promises ab out reading blogs but will catch up periodically. 

What is the baseball score?


  1. Enjoy your summer break! See you when you resume blogging! So many great memes in this post, thanks! I especially enjoyed the retired t-shirt, the definition of conservatism, the land of gun care and health control, and Kyiv vs Moscow.

  2. Enjoy your break. You will be missed but we will keep the light on for you.
    Thank you for the memes. Some were moving, some spot on (and painful) and some were funny.

  3. Haven't seen you lately and now you are leaving us. I will continue reading the books I have accumulate in the short time I have left; but damn the list keeps growing. I have got to stay out of book stores.
    take care
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. I buy $2 ebooks from BookBub. But for the past couple years I cannot concentrate enough to even read them. I need to stop reading so much on Substack about America because I am scared to death and on the Genocidal war in Ukraine as I am scared for Ukraine and Ukrainians. It is taking all my mental powers

  4. Thanks for the laughs! Enjoy your blogging break, and take care. :-)

  5. Have a happy summer.
    Coffee is on, and take care of your self.

  6. I enjoy seeing your meme collection.


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