Sunday, December 31, 2023

Approaching the New Year with Some Trepidation

 We had a great Christmas, lots of visiting, holding Grayden and food food food. Tomorrow we start a new year and I can only hope it is an improvement on 2023. However I ha' me doots. But we'll give it a go and there is always hope!


This song, written by Dolly Parton, is covered by two young Ukrainians from Odessa, sixteen-year-old Dasha Butenko singing with fifteen-year-old Nazar Baranov playing guitar. The pictures of Ukrainian children and youths are of those who found hope through and Robert Gamble. Dr Gamble went from Pastor of a huge megachurch in Florida to a man dedicated to serving young Ukrainians in need in Odessa. I do not have rights to this song nor permission to post it on Youtube.


  1. Wow, what a voice for a 16-year-old! Happy New Year; and I'm crossing my fingers right along with you for 2024.

    1. Isn't she incredible. I hope that she can end up on Ukraine's Got Talent when Peace returns. And maybe Eurovision

  2. Happy New Year to you, Tanya and your family! I hope 2024 will be a better year for Ukraine's ongoing struggle. Hope for the best and Slava Ukraini!

    1. Thank you, Debra, same to you. peace to Ukraine would be the best 2024. Heroum Slava

  3. Lovely song, lovely voice and lovely children, I wish them all well. Happy 2024 to you and Tanya and Lucky and Grayden and all the family. I wish you good health, many friends, lots of love, many adventures, and a big dollop of peace and quiet whenever it's required.

    1. Thanks, Shammickite. And a wonderful New Year to you and yours. Peace and contentment is a good wosh as it is hard to find some days.


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