Sunday, December 17, 2023

Merry Christmas Cartoons


You will never be asked to bring food to the Church Christmas dinner again


  1. Such a stellar collection -- so many good LOLs! My absolute faves are "baby in the salad," the snowman's coal dentures, "now THAT'S gotta hurt" and rice cakes!

    1. I've been collecting for years and have started for next year as well. I have a few I should send to Jackiesue as they are NSFW.

  2. Many thanks for rather a lot of smiles.

  3. Tundra Bunny here...

    Thanks for the much needed belly laughs this morning! My faves are "nose hare", "how Silent Night began" and "cookies for the Church Xmas dinner", LOL!

  4. "Nose hare" - bahahaha!!! Loved them all, but that one really made me guffaw. Merry Christmas to you and your family! :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Dora. Merry Christmas. Coffee is on here too


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