Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Jackiesue 1944-2025, may Freya and Dexter welcome you to Valhalla


Thanks, Debra
Jackiesue Roycroft Denny, long time Facebook and Blogger friend passed away this week leaving a hole in so many lives. She doted on her grandkids and greatgrand kids and often featrured them in her blogs. But blogging as Yellow Dog Granny she was famous for here collection of memes shredding the hypocritical, the corrupt, the ignorant, and the looney. She always ended with a few personal ones, making fun of human nature.

She was a blue dot in a red state, hailing from West, Texas. Yes, that West, as she always says, where a fertilizer plant blew up killing several hundred people because Texas puts profit over people always. 

No one used the F word like she did. As more stupidity would unfold her replay was ,"We are F**ked".

Debra from She Who Seeks did a heart warming eulogy for her.

Freya in her chariot
She was a pagan, worshipping the goddess Freya, the goddess of love, warfare, sex, fertility, death, beauty, magic, and witchcraft. She oversees battles, can bestow or remove fertility, can be petitioned for love, and was born knowing the divine secrets of witchcraft and the Runes.

Freya's chariot was pulled by cats. I hope her beloved cat Dexter who passed some time ago and whom she greatly missed will be one of her chariot cats

That was Jackiesue. Pictures of her as a a young woman revealed stunning beauty. She was wild, first topless waitress in Oregon, said she hadn't had sex since the early 80s because once word got out she had shot her third husband, she foiund it hard to get a date.  When she had kids she moved to Texas and settled down. No more wild stuff.

She contributed to her community oin many ways besides being a pain in the butt to Republicans. She was active in Meals on Wheels and backed regularily for events. 

Jackiesue, you will be missed. I hope you are keeping Valhalla from getting too staid and boring.


  1. "A blue dot in a red state" -- great phrase and imagery -- but Jackiesue was never defeated by the odds against her. There's a great lesson in her example for all of us. And yes, DEXTER was a helluva cat too. She named him after the TV show serial killer. (Thanks for the shout-out to my blog too).

    1. I see that phrase a great deal on @Threads when people talk about their precarious situation

  2. So sorry to hear that Jackiesue has gone to blog heaven. I didn't look at her blog all the time, but when I did, I found she had quite a bit to keep my attention. I like the idea of her cat pulling her chariot.

  3. OMG, tho' saddened by a Fav Blogger's Passing, who I knew was feisty and dropped F-Bombs regularly, I didn't know about the Back Story of being the 1st Topless Waitress in Oregon or of shooting her 3rd Husband. I feel almost guilty for Laughing, but, I do think Yellow Dog Granny would approve of levity even during and perhaps especially during, any difficult news or times. She will be missed.

    1. YDG would definitely approve of laughter in sad times

  4. Sigh. Gonna miss her.

    May her memory be a blessing.

  5. I'm sorry for your loss - she sounds fabulous. And I love the image of Freya and her cat-drawn chariot!

    1. I'm surprised you didnt follow her, though to be honest it too me a few years too. She was referenced in so many blogs I did follow I finally gave in

  6. For several years my wife and I overwintered in the motor home just a little south of West , Texas at Canyon Lake. a wonderful community of snow refugees from various Canadian and mid-west addresses. One of the things I discovered was that it wasn't whether or not one was American or Canadian that determined their a-hole co-efficent but something far more inherent and I often blessed my Texas friends for saving me from the curse of the Phoenix noveux-riche.
    Other than Jackie Sue, West Texas was noted for the Collins Street Bakery and their fantastic Christmas Cakes-being a Texas Fruit Cake was not always an insult.
    Will always be grateful to the Blog Fodder for making it possible for Jackie Sue to be, if I may be so presumptuous, a friend of mine!
    The streets of Valhalla will be alive with the sounds of Texas hospitality, now that Jackie Sue is in residence!

    1. I love Christmas cake. Why do people dislike fruit cake?

    2. I also love fruit cake, and I also don't know why it gets made fun of. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it's literally heavier than most desserts.

  7. I followed her blog for years, and loved every bit of it. Over the past few years we began corresponding by email. I will miss her terribly.

  8. Firstly, I linked to your blog in the body of the first of two posts that I put online yesterday.

    I think that the cats who are pulling the chariot are prettier than the goddess who's riding the chariot, but then I'm prejudiced.

    I hadn't known that the term "yellow" dog" was in use in Canada, and now that I know, I'm wondering how it is used. Here--according to Wikipedia--is its US use, and I've yet to hear it used in another way: "Yellow dog Democrats is a political term that was applied to voters in the Southern United States who voted solely for candidates who represented the Democratic Party. The term originated in the late 19th century. These voters would allegedly 'vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican", or, 'vote for a yellow dog if he ran on the Democratic ticket.' The term is now more generally applied to refer to any Democrat who will vote a straight party ticket under any circumstances." I daresay that most centrists and left-leaning people will now vote a straight Democratic ticket because the only other viable candidates have pledged their loyalty to Trump.

    P.S. I don't see a box to check in order to read later responses.

    1. You are correct, Yellow Dog is not a Canadian expression.
      There is a box Notify Me for follow up comments.
      And thanks for the shout out

    2. "There is a box Notify Me for follow up comments."

      I must be smarter than I look because I knew that. Yesterday, I got caught up with visiting five blogs and on two of them, there was no such box. A sixth blog, I couldn't visit at all via Firefox, but could visit via Safari. Also, I now have to manually enter my name and blog address on every comment frame to every blog to which I wish to leave a comment (including your blog right now). Crazy things sometimes happen on Blogspot, and they don't always get fixed, but I can at least be glad that my comment reached you. I very much hope that you and all my non-American readers can continue on good terms despite the actions of the Trump mob. I am particularly concerned about you in this regard because of your history with Ukraine.

    3. People seem to be leaving Chrome in droves. I ned to look at some alternatives


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