Thursday, February 27, 2025

More YDG Memes.

The internet is loaded with great memes.



  1. Okay, I said I couldn't laugh at the ones you posted before, but this time the talking a**hole completely cracked me up!

  2. My faves are the Russian neighbour and "Women For Trump"

    1. The Russian neighbiour would get me 15 years from Putin

  3. I'm eagerly waiting to read what you have to say about yesterday's "meeting" in the Oval Office.

    1. The best I could do would be links to peopole who are far more literate than I am. It just made me ill. I could not watch it as it would given me such high blood pressure but I read the transcripts. Putin this, Putin that. We endured so much together. The man is insane

  4. Replies
    1. I agree. Good parody of a man who thinks he is greater than Washington and Lincoln

  5. All so good, and sadly, so accurate. It is so difficult to find the Humor in all of this, but, these Cartoonists have succeeded in making me Smile.

    1. Anything that brings a smile these days is a good thing

  6. He will design himself a military uniform - His ego will demand it.
    Where will it end?
    the OL'Buzzard

    1. He certainly will and there will be a big military parade in his honour down the street in front of the WH, like he always wanted

  7. There is nothing new about American policy-in 1917 and again in 1941the US flew the white feather until it was risking severe domestic danger.
    In 1917, General "Black Jack" Pershing had spent three years chasing Pancho Villa around northern Mexico to retaliate for the raid on Columbus New Mexico. In spite of (or maybe because of the comfort of) a motorized military he was left chasing shadows .
    No wonder the civilized world of France looked far more attractive than the cactus deserts of northern Mexico and Black Jack chose Paree as quickly as he could get his pansy ass over there.
    In 1941 the US was busy buying the BS of Charles Lindberg about the cultural superiority (and purity)of the Reich.
    As a Swede I was always troubled about Drumph senior's ability to pass himself off as Swedish during WWII, but on examination there may not have been much difference.
    What I am bothered about has been Canada's willingness to pander to the US whenever it needs help - there was no need for us to rush into Afghanistan because Bush Jr got his feelings hurt.

    1. You raise some good points, Olof. If Hitler had not declared war on america after Pearl Harbour, the USA would have styed out of Europe entirely


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