Sunday, April 18, 2021

Attention Email Subscribers

 Hello, Email Subscribers

MailChimp is now the operative system for sending you email notices of my blog. Your email addresses have been transferred from Feedburner and the latter deleted. You should not have an interruption in service. I hope. But check anyhow when you get this.

Hello to my other loyal and long suffering readers (all five of you).

If you would like immediate notice of my latest blog posts (of course you would), the new email sign up is about half way down the right hand side. Please someone sign up and tell me if it works.

Moliere’s dictum: Writing is like prostitution: First you do it for love, then for a few select friends, and then for money.

If anyone is wondering about the flurry of activity on my blog, I need to do my income tax and any excuse to put it off is taken


  1. Thank you.
    You are MUCH more diligent than I am. I cannot face going through over 1000 unknown email addresses. I suspect that I too will go to MailChimp but will also have to ask my readers to sign up again since I am too lazy to sort out the chaff (rather a lot of chaff) from the precious grain.
    I feel for you on the tax front. I am seeing an accountant on Friday - for last years tax.

    1. EC, it was simpler than I thought. Here is the link to an explanation of how to install Mailchimp on Blogger. The instructions are fairly simple and user friendly though a bit different from the video.
      As I was setting up, I found that I could cut and paste emails from a spreadsheet, so I did not have to move them one by one from Feedburner. I just deleted Feedburner and added the emails that were left after I cleaned up the spreadsheet of obvious bots as I explain in the Bot post.


  2. PS: How did you tell MailChimp to update every time you post - or did you just choose the weekly newsletter option.
    I have signed up for your posts via email and will let you know if it works.

    1. There is a place when you are signing up to MailChimp to add your blog URL. That is how it should know when there is a new blog.

  3. Replies
    1. Did you know that Moliere used two scenes written by the historical Cyrano de Bergerac?

    2. Given Moliere's fame, I suspect it was with permission and that de Bergerac was flattered.

  4. Apparently Bots are not easily discouraged. I just got two comments on an old old post.

  5. So, Molière says I'm a hooker. Now there's a career path I never expected to follow in my fifties. ;-)


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