Monday, September 25, 2023

A Visit from Our Granddaughter

 Our 20 year old granddaughter, Maria (Masha) was here from Poland for 11 days. She arrived just after midnight on September 12th and left at 6 am on Sept 22nd. We were so glad to see her after almost 20 months. This was her first visit to Canada so it was all quite new to her. Even a dozen assorted donuts from Timmies warranted a picture. 

Tanya dragged her all over Regina shopping and sight seeing. She used up 30 bus passes. Government House, Wascana Lake and the Legislature grounds were part of the tour. Tanya was adamant that Masha would see the Mountains. They flew to Calgary one evening, stayed at my sister's place and the next day my sister and brother-in-law drove them to Kananaskis, Banff, Lake Louise and other places I can't recall. They flew back to Regina that night arriving well after midnight. Masha took many many pictures.

When she got home, she sent us a picture of her "little" sister who is 10 years younger and who will no doubt be taller. While Masha was away, her mother ended up in bed, unable to move with a bad back, Masha's boyfriend looked after her until she got back and now the two of them are doing the best for her they can.

Babushka was pretty teary-eyed when Masha left and next trip is to send her to Poland to visit them. 


  1. I am so glad that she could visit - and that it was a HUGE success. Your granddaughters are both beautiful girls. Which you know. Beautiful inside and out. I hope that Masha's mother's back gets better quickly.

    1. Thank you. They are lovely. Their mother is very beautiful. And of course so is their Baba Tanya ;).Masha says they will look for a chiropractor for her mom if muscle relaxants don't help

  2. Wow, sounds like a whirlwind trip for Masha! It sounds as though she and Tanya and you had a wonderful visit. Those photos from Banff and Kananaskis were a reminder of happy times for me, too. Hope Tanya gets her trip to Poland soon. :-)

    1. We had hoped she could come for the summer but she had to teach English as her Practicum towards her Languages degree. We will try for the New Year to get Tanya to Poland

  3. Beautiful ladies. Hope their mothers back is better. I know the feeling. I can’t do much any more. Is your granddaughter still in the army?

  4. I'm so glad it was a wonderful visit! And that whirlwind visit to the Mountain Parks in Alberta -- way to go! It certainly is the most beautiful scenery in Canada.

    1. I hope she will come again next summer and stay longer. Lots more to see. I'd like to take her on a bus from Regina to Calgary. Miles of nothing.

  5. A couple of gorgeous young ladies, aren't you lucky to have such sweet granddaughters, and what lovely photos of the mountains. I travelled through those mountains many years ago on the train.... at night! So I didn't really see the big ones. A trip to Poland in the new year would be super for Tanya to look forward to. Mmmm a dozen assorted from Timmies, definitely worth a picture. When my UK rellies were here a few years ago, they took lots of pics in Timmies!

    1. You need to travel the Rockies again. Tanya is looking forward to seeing Dasha as it has been such a long time.

  6. Beautiful Young Ladies you have in your Family. I do hope their Mom gets better, Back Pain is the worst.

    1. Thank you. The granddaughters are indeed lovely, as is their cousin in Khakasia. Pictures of Tanya as a young girl show her beauty too.
      I think Tania is up and about now and her back is somewhat better


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