Saturday, January 13, 2024

Baby, It's cold outside

Western Canada is in a deep freeze.

Temperatures in Saskatchewan are in the low -20s C with windchills in the -55C range. Lucky hasn't had a walk in days and barely stays outside long enough to do his business. Tanya goes out to sweep light snow off the walks because that is who she is. I stay where itis warm because that is who I am. I miss the mild winters in Ukraine - sort of. Either slushy muck or frozen lumps of ice.

Alberta is even colder than Saskatchewan. Yesterday it was -40C plus wind chill. Edmonton's finest broke up a homelesss camp and drove the inhabitants out into the cold. Citizens who stood up to the police in defense of the helpless were arrested. Just in case you think all the assholes live south of the line. We have more than our share.


  1. That is cold beyond anything I have ever experienced. Sadly the world has more than enough oxygen thieves. I am quite sure that the 'finest' were well rugged up when they did their dirty and possibly deadly work.
    Stay warm, stay safe.

    1. Oxygen thieves is a good way of putting it. So many think Homeless and addicts are sub-human and should just be pushed out of sight, rather than helped.
      I hope the heat and humidity are not making your health worse. We should all move to the mountains of Western Panama or Costa Rica where it is 20C all year round.

  2. Can't wait for this polar vortex to be over.

  3. No kidding. Yet all my life in Saskatchewa, I expected weather this cold from mid-January through February. We have been spoiled the last few years.

  4. I have been watching the weather reports from Alberta, wow, that's a bit too chilly! The coming week is forecast to be cold here in S Ontario.... but not THAT cold I hope.

    1. Ontario cold is bone chilling too. Dress warm. Stock up on food and art supplies

    2. I went to the mailbox for the first time in a week.... and the lock is frozen!

    3. I am sorry, I laughed. Murphy had something to do with it I am sure.

  5. I sure don't miss those temperatures! We're "suffering" a cold snap here on Vancouver Island, too: -12°C. Sucks to be us... :-)

    1. That is cold in Ukraine too. I hope your flowers are all snug.


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