Friday, January 26, 2024

A Dog's Breakfast of Memes


My To-Do list

Foods safe for dogs

Foods not safe for dogs

Hard to take religion seriously

Why I despise missionaries

This got me a three day ban on Facebook and Messenger

Truth. We are suddenly old

Read his poetry. So thought provoking

Saskatchewan Party has cut the education budget over $2500 per student

I should try this

Useful floechart of coffee addicts like me

Saskatchewan Party motto

I will hear about this

My favourite Calvin cartoon

Pro Forced Birth People are woefully ignorant

I never suffered from over motivation

Just who is doing the grooming here?

My ignorance is equal in value to your knowledge

This always astounds me

I love this wisdom

Abortion bans make people feel righteous and cost them nothing

The Bible on Abortion

There, their, they're

Anti-Vaxxers love to use these

How to positively reinforce kids

I like trolling the Trolls


  1. This is a quality meme dump! Equal parts funny, wise and perceptive!

    1. Thank you. I am an eclectic collector. (I can say that sober)

  2. Replies
    1. I don't mean to scare people, just open a few eyes.

  3. Interesting about the correct order of adjectives. I've noticed that too. I liked Lucky's To Do List. Most of the others have the text too small to read. And I'm too lazy to enlarge them.

    1. order of adjectives is fascinating. Just clicking on teh pictures will blow them up to readable

  4. No question. I need my morning coffee.

  5. A good lineup... Thank you... I love a good Meme dump.


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