Sunday, January 21, 2024

Paperwork, Dogs and Pests

 Finally, Tanya's applications for Permanent Residency, extended open work permit and extended visitor's visa are complete and sent in. What a nightmare of forms and nonesense. some of the forms for each of them are similar in what is asked for but in a different order so each has to be filled out separately. How many chickens did your great grandmother have in 1932? 

Sometimes there is a place for an explanatory letter, others not. All say if we need more information we will contact you. Yeah, right. The paperwork got me so by the end of the day, I did not want to read anything, write anything, just lay there and wish the world went away. I need a SAD lamp, Seasonal Affected Disorder caused by lack of sunlight. But April is not far away.

At least it gave me something to do when the weather was so cold. It started warming up two days ago. I took Lucky for walks for the first time in a long time. First trip, we walked five blocks north to the railway tracks between us and the dog park. He stopped. I said (in Russian, his first language) Park or Home? He turned around and headed home. A 30 minute walk. 

Yesterday, even though it was slightly colder, he knew where he wanted to go and we went. Tight leash and as fast as I could walk. Never slowed down. Up over the tracks, across the kids' park to the dog park. We were gone about an hour and 15 minutes or so. Soon after we got home, he came down with a temperature. He must have been more chilled than he was ready to admit. All night long, his nose was warm and dry. Came out of it by noon today and was his old self. Just to be safe we didn't walk today. Tomorrow. And in a few more days temps will be in the +2C to +4C range in day time. 

And to top it all off we have been battling cockroaches for the past couple months. At least it wasn't bed bugs. They had to come from the house next door, which needs burning down. We bought powder and sticky traps but were losing, so called in the professionals. Now I know how. A green gel strategically placed brings them out of hiding to eat it and carry it back to their nest to feed offspring. Sticky traps with an attractant monitors numbers. When I would turn the light on at night, the counter would just be crawling with them. They love my Keurig coffee maker as it is warm and wet.  The sticky traps filled up fast. Hardly any left now and another treatment in a few days will finish the job. 

This isn't our first go-round with the little pests. When we lived on Gray Street, the entire apartment block of 12 suites was infested from two suites in the basement. It was like moving twice. Everything had to be removed from all cuboards, storage areas, closets, piled and covered with sheets. Pulled all furniture out from the walls. 24 hours later You cleaned everything and put everything back, then two weeks later repeated the entire process. Our little house was simpler. 

Tomorrow is another day. Onward and upward.


  1. I hope Tanya's applications are processed quickly with no dramas.
    And am very glad that Lucky is back to himself again. You must have worried.
    Cockroaches? Eeeuw. I am pretty certain that their species will outlast ours. Probably bed bugs too - though I have no personal experience of them. For which I am grateful.

    1. We have heard back on the work permit already and hope we'll get final approval soon. The PR application has been duly received and we should get it approved withing a year under a new program for Ukrainians displaced by the war.
      Yes, Lucky had us very worried for a while.
      Cockroaches have been here for a billion years and yes, they will be here for another billion. Bedbugs are far more common now for some reason. I do not wantr them. It takes pros to fumigate a house in its entirity.

  2. Sorry to hear of these woes. I hope things improve soon! And good luck to Tanya with her application.

    1. We expect to hear back shortly which will be a relief

  3. Filling out forms for the various government departments is a nightmare as you have already found out. Good luck Tanya, all those permits etc are on their way! The cockroach adventure sounds awful, hope I never see any here.

    1. Government forms are designed to discourage people from applying for anything

  4. I'm glad you hear you're coming up out of the deep freeze now. Both you and Lucky will appreciate the warmer temps, I'm sure.

    Cockroaches, blech! In general I try to be as chemical-free as possible, but I draw the line at creepy-crawlies in my house. Nuke 'em 'til they glow! (Chemically. Because apparently cockroaches can survive radiation. Blech!)

    1. Cockroaches and bedbugs.The house next door was fumigated for bedbugs which may have driven the roaches to our place. Radiation might turn them into super roaches. I should ask about Chornobyl.

  5. I notice a lot of gov't forms are nonsense. We can get a discount on our phone. But I don't want to deal with the paper work.

    1. I am convinced that bureaucrats design forms to discourage people from using them. It makes less work for the bureaucrats. And they could be government, corporate or even HOA bureaucrats

  6. Seems its as hard to get papers in Canada as it is here.

    Thankfully, the last cockroaches I had to deal with were in Baltimore back in the 1970s.

    1. We are slowly getting them under control. Very few now in the traps


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