Saturday, January 6, 2024

Return of the Troll

 Over a year ago, I acquired a troll. He shows up as Anonymous and accuses me of all sorts of nasty things. Claims ot be Ukrainian but does not know Ukrainian history. I simply deleted his comments. He also followed me to some of the  blogs I read and left ignorant comments there too. He may comment as One From Ukraine on those blogs or stick with Anonymous.

He disappeared and I hoped I was done with him. Maybe the Russians got him. No such luck. Too bad considering all the innocent people killed, it figures someone like him would survive. He must have spent the year hiding in his mother's basement. Maybe they finally got internet?

He has a thing about Jews, stating once that Israel was justified in its treatment of Palestinians because they weere stronger and so they could. He calls me a tool of Putin but on another blog let it be known he was cheering for Trump as everything would be OK in Ukrane if Trump won.

Anyhow I am back to approving comements before they are posted to my blog. So if they don't show uo for a while, that is why. 


  1. Between trolls and bots, comment moderation is a must!

  2. What a jerk. A person with no life and no ambition.

    1. I wish I knew what his objective is. I tried to converse with him but as he is anonymous I have to converse via comments rather than say email.

  3. Never had much of a problem with trolls. I moderate mainly to keep spam from cluttering up the comments. For some bizarre reason I get a lot of spam suggesting bargains in office rentals and escort services in Bangalore.

    1. I get lots of spam too but Blogger holds it for me in Comments so it is easy to delete. Not sure what the main push of the spammers is


Comments are encouraged. But if you include a commercial link, it will be deleted. If you comment anonymously, please use a name or something to identify yourself. Trolls will be deleted