Friday, July 16, 2010


The three people (I'm an optimist) who faithfully follow my blog will note I have been uninspired the last few days.  It has been too hot - mid-thirties - and there has not been much activity of interest to anyone.  I can't even work up a good rant or a bad joke.

Walked the hounds three night is a row, once the temp drops to about 30.  Maxim helped me one night, Masha one night and tonight it was just me so I walked along the marsh, which I haven't done all year and never before with the dogs on leash.  They disappeared into the tall grass and reeds and I didn't see them again until we hit the clearing at the other end.  I just hung on and waded through.

Masha is spending a lot more time here this summer.  Nights too.  She sleeps with Babushka.  I sleep with the Air Conditioner.  I offer to trade but Masha would likely catch pneumonia so the A/C is out.  We bought a large pool, about 6' wide by 10' long and 3' deep which holds 1000 litres of water at 60%  full (I can mix my measurement systems with the best of them).  Masha and Maxim spent the better part of the afternoon in it.  Even Babushka has been seen to slide in for a quick cool off.


  1. I'm so glad Masha's been able to stay there with you guys. The pool sounds great!

  2. Ah, yes; truly the "dog days" of summer. Sounds like things are "reasonable" at your end. This is good.

    Over here, were even getting blasé about our daily thunderstorms. (Such is life, this year.)

  3. Man, I want to see pictures of Tanya in the kiddy pool with Maxim and Masha. That is too great.

  4. We finally have some summer weather but not as hot as you are having. Yesterday was one of the warmer days at 28C.

    That pool sounds like a good size - more than a kiddie pool.


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