Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pryluki Elevator

We got a tour after class one afternoon of the new Agrikor grain elevator.  184,000 tonnes of storage, with several 20,000 tonne bins.  That is a lot of grain or oilseeds.  Two separate unloading, cleaning, drying and rail car loading facilities at the site, the second one being so new that it took it's first truck load of sunflower seed while we were there.  There is a central weigh scales at the entrance to the site which all trucks must pass.  An automated vacuum arm takes samples from each load which are dried and tested in the laboratory.

Original elevator is all Ukrainian made except the driers

New section, just opened.  All American built - reliability was critical.

20,000 tonne bins

Drying tower is on the left

First load in the new section.  Trucks open and dump sideways.

Automated sampling arm; 50 gms per tonne; 40 tonnes per truck and trailer.


  1. That's quite awesome, BF. Playing catch-up with new technology is quite fascinating.
    Will it lead to increased productivity?

  2. RB, there are several new tech elevators going up in Ukraine all the time. The old Soviet "inland terminals" are being retired. I think railway cars will be the next bottleneck in getting grain and oilseeds to export position. Familiar story to Canadians.
    Russia is already having problems, shutting off grain exports through Novorossiysk until the grain car chaos is sorted out. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/caa27502-d47d-11e0-a42b-00144feab49a.html#axzz1XF0O95zv
    I can't find the numbers again of course but read there were 3600 cars jammed up on rail lines towards the port, that exporters had ordered double the cars per day that the port was capable of handling.

  3. Here is the news item I was looking for:


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