Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happens when I drive, too.


  1. If it's that hot there I can understand why you don't want to blog. Love the dog pic. Reminds me of riding with a relative.

  2. Dog looks a little uncomfortable. But riding with you is perfectly safe isn't it BF. BF?

  3. May-B was asked if she had ever had a near death experience. She replied every time she rode with her father.

  4. А вообще, не зря blogonews считается местом сбора всего самого интересного. [URL=http://blogonews.net]Интересный сайт[/URL] - безусловно правильное название для этого ресурса.

  5. What's this Russian spam? But I don't like spam spam spam spam spam spam....

  6. Well it is a switch from Chinese spam and at least readable and understandable. I may have to go back to asking for word verification.

  7. I think either word verification or comment moderation would be good. That's the way I beat spam that would otherwise plug up my blog.


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